Friday, July 6, 2012

Jumping In...

Where to begin

Like much of my life I simply have to much going on especially in the area of hobbies but I have had a long desire to sit down and begin penning many of my thoughts and ideas to paper but never seem to have the required time. Much of my day is spent typing on one thing or another, my Facebook page (and many other's pages) have become simply riddled with 1000+ word rambling which start but never seem to make it to the end... What I wish for is to force myself into dealing with the complexities propaganda more so that the topics which im writing about.

It is hard when writing, especially about complex subjects to stay on target while taking a reader through the the various mazes of twists and turns required to arrive at a comprehensible understanding. This is even more so the case when you have a love for political and historical subjects because it is impossible to write about ether without entering into the complexes of agenda. This is not in the light of promoting an agenda, I mean so more in the light of explaining the ins and outs of propaganda surrounding the agenda of the subject it's self.

As an example

Something as simple as say "black history in america" is covered by every age, most children while in school had some type of requirement to writing about it. There have of course been hundreds of books and I am fairly confident that the average american no matter if they were the leftist of lefts or the rightest of rights would say that they feel enlightened enough to explain at least a somewhat generalized outline (though maybe opinionated) of the history to a space alien if they 'had to'.

Myself, of course would absolutely disagree...

Then there is the daunting task of overcoming the boring-ness of many of these subjects. A desire to learn is one thing when holding attention. Entertaining however when combating such things as TV captivating list of mindless "entertainment"  vs actual learning... Well... there is no competitiveness there. People, or human kind much prefer to be distracted or entertained than they do educated. No wonder the Romans held so many games at the Colosseums throughout their empire while implementing the most unpopular of ideas. The slight of hand is both timeless and its seems limitless but how lucky today world leaders are to have so many distractions for their masses to be self indulgent with... and no... I am not going to turn this into one of "those" things where all of the faults of societies social impacts are strewn about... What I am after is the exposure of information weaponization, how it works, why it works and how it goes unnoticed.

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